Monday, 7 March 2016

Hourglass Cosmetics Veil Mineral Primer Review *Updated*

Just a quick post to rave about this new primer that I've found via this post - The Best Primer for Large Pores. It came with quite a price tag but the million dollar question is - does it work? Yes it does. :) If you're looking to spend on your makeup, you really can't go wrong with this primer.

Any foundation that goes over it whether it be liquid or cream, looks absolutely better than without. It also holds the makeup incredibly well, meaning less touch ups along the way. It really does a wonderful job.

It also doesn't contain any fragrance or irritating ingredients so that's always a plus for sensitive skin. One more thing to note is, even though it has SPF 15 - one pump is nowhere near enough protection for your skin. Maybe around 2 or 3 pumps should do it.

I do wish I had photos for you but I'm having a really bad skin day (week really) so maybe next time. ;)